sábado, 17 de octubre de 2020

Public Complaint (Post Protest)

Pope Francis
Complaint presented to the Patriarch Of Rome (Pope Francis) and the Church of England Archbishop of Canterbury (The Most Rev Justin Welby) because some representatives clergy persecute and slander of different (anglicans, catholics, Orthodoxs) denominations, others churches including our IAL clergy...

Archbishop Justin

This Protest is presented because some dioceses, bishops, priests, deacons and parishioners of the Roman Catholic Church and of the Anglican Communion (headquarters in Canterbury) persecute and slander of differents denominations including our clergy...

Francisc and Justin
We are an Anglo-Catholic Christian religious organization with missions in Canada, the United States, Mexico and other countries on various continents. We are members of the Latin-American Anglican Church and we belong to the Worldwide the Old Anglo Catholic Movement. We are a Church with origins in the Church of England (Traditionalist) since 1975. We are registered under the United States Government and others (since 1973), and our chapter updated in registration with the United States government in 2002, 2005, 2009 and last 2019. Our Churches do not collect tithing and we are not used to requesting financial dues from our members. Together we contribute to finance our virtual pages and government registration expenses or legal document expenses.
We are a Church that only ordains men to sacred ministry and we do not marry same-sex couples. Marriage should only be between a man and a woman according to our faith and belief. Diaconal ordination, priestly ordination and episcopal consecration are exclusively for men. Our Church has celibate male monks and celibate female nuns (Missionaries of Saint Lawrence, Missionaries of Saint Stephen, and Missionaries of Walsingham). We are Catholics without belonging to the Roman jurisdiction (Without Pope). We are Anglicans without belonging to Canterbury (we are not members of the Anglican Communion). We are Orthodox without belonging to the Eastern Church (we have no patriarchs). We are an organization that does not have financial resources to help finance the studies of our seminarians or missionaries. In order to live decently, each cleric of our Church has a civil job and from that he lives with dignity. Our charism is to work with the vulnerable and needy, and we assist with immigration programs and training for poor groups (in the United States, Canada and Mexico, and we work with immigrant families).
We have married and single clergy. 70% of our deacons, priests and bishops are of Hispanic origin and speak Spanish. 80% of the clergy are bilingual or trilingual. 90% have studies in Philosophy, Theology and one or two civil careers that allow them to be employees or have their own company. Our Church does not receive money or patronage from governments or politicians. Our clergy, with the exception of those of Brazil (South America), do not participate in politics or participate in lists of political parties, but as citizens, each one supports with his vote his individual preferred candidate. We are not inquisitors and we do not pursue sexual preferences. We respect Christian groups and churches that ordain women. We are prudent and respectful of those who marry or marry same-sex couples. Our Church does not issue letters of excommunication or expulsion of the clergy (unless a serious civil law crime is committed). We accept that crimes or sexual abuse must be punished by the laws and civil justice in accordance with the "Constitution" and the laws of the country where the person (cleric) commits the crime.
Candidates for Holy Orders, simply send a letter of request to the Archbishop Primate or of Incardination (Ordination, Ratification of Orders or acceptance), with their respective Curriculum Vitae (Format for clergy), including a passport-size photo. Once accepted, a police record of good conduct and the recommendations of three persons or entities who have good reputations and who can verify the respective reputation of the person recommending the candidate are requested. The other steps will be indicated to you in the process. The Church decides whether to order it or advise the way forward. Most of our clergy come from the Roman Catholic Church since 1990. Prior to this date, they all come from Anglican groups and non-Roman seminaries. We are sending you this information because some groups, bishops, clergy, dioceses that belong to the Roman Catholic Church (Pope's Jurisdictions), and the Anglican Church (Episcopal), and / or that are members of the Anglican Communion of England, are persecuting us. and applying inquisitions to our clergy and this has contributed to damaging our Peace and security. Some countries are very violent and in several there are illegal armed groups that commit murders and kidnappings. We believe that religious persecution can end in a crime against the lives of our clergy or my very existence.

Our Churches request His Holiness Pope Francis (Visible Head of the Roman Catholic Church), and Archbishop Justin Welby (Visible Head of the Anglican Communion), to authorize, to whom it may concern, stop the religious persecution that they promote from their pulpits and offices. , its representatives in Latin America (including in Canada, the United States and Europe), so that peace and harmony reign, also so that we may be an example of honor, respect and true disciples of Christ with exalted Christian practices. We believe that we have time to stop these disturbing, unjust and anti-humanity forms, because in the past they damaged and destroyed the lives of thousands of people and the freedom of millions and we recognize that all human beings should enjoy life in freedom with fairness and well-being regardless of race, creed or color. skin, faith, religion, political affiliation, social status, lineage, culture, ancestry or idiosyncrasy.

We hope this report gives you an idea of ​​our organization. We are in a good and possible positive moment to exchange impressions and help each other at a crucial moment in which violent groups want to assume leadership in our peoples and nations within the American continent and we must all advocate for peace and social balance.

Greetings and blessings,

The Most Reverend
Primate of The IAL.
President of the OACM.
cc. Office USA Church and Office Mexico Church.

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Anglicanos (AOCI)

  LA COMUNIÓN ANGLICANA ORTODOXA Movimiento Antiguo Anglo-Católico 1515 a través   Iglesia Anglicana Latino-Americana 1975 La Iglesia Orto...