sábado, 6 de mayo de 2023

Anglicanos (AOCI)


La Comunión Ortodoxa Anglicana se estableció en 1964. La Comunión Anglicana Ortodoxa se formó más tarde para supervisar las iglesias en el extranjero. La Comunión Ortodoxa Anglicana fue una de las primeras comuniones de este tipo que se formó fuera de la Sede de Canterbury y por lo tanto, no forma parte de la Comunión Anglicana de Inglaterra. La Comunión Ortodoxa Anglicana anexo la doctrina, disciplina y culto contenidos en los formularios anglicanos clásicos, especialmente en los Libros de oración común en inglés de 1662, estadounidense de 1928, escocés de 1929 y canadiense de 1962. El obispo presidente de la rama estadounidense de la comunión, conocida en los Estados Unidos como la Iglesia Ortodoxa Anglicana, sirvió como metropolitano de la comunión global. La comunión tuvo más de un millón de miembros en todo el mundo, con sucursales en América del Norte y del Sur, Europa, África y Asia. La primera conferencia regional de obispos fue convocada por el primado de la comunión en el Hotel Imperial en Kisumu, Kenia, África, el 24 de agosto de 2009.


Historia: La iglesia fue fundada por episcopales tradicionalistas que se retiraron de la Iglesia Episcopal Estadounidense (ECUSA), en 1963. La nueva jurisdicción se incorporó al estado de Carolina del Norte en marzo de 1964. Sus fundadores pretendieron establecer una alternativa conservativa y de Iglesia baja a la Iglesia Episcopal Ecusa. La política episcopal con sucesión apostólica se mantuvo con la consagración de su primer obispo el Domingo de Pasión en 1964, por obispos de linajes ortodoxos orientales y católicos antiguos. En 1999, el obispo Robert Godfrey, y la mayoría del clero de la iglesia se reunieron en comité y decidieron alinear la iglesia más estrechamente con las iglesias anglicanas que continúan en el estilo de adoración. También se realizó un cambio de nombre. En oposición, los líderes laicos y el comité permanente cercano al obispo fundador y una pequeña minoría del clero posteriormente comenzaron una nueva iglesia y se incorporaron nuevamente como: La Iglesia Ortodoxa Anglicana Internacional (AOCI).


El 30 de abril de 2000, Godfrey se retiró como obispo presidente en favor de su obispo sufragáneo, Scott Earle McLaughlin. En 2005, la jurisdicción cambió su nombre de Arquidiócesis Cristiana Ortodoxa Episcopal de América a Iglesia Anglicana Ortodoxa. Godfrey y McLaughlin fueron signatarios del Acuerdo de Bartonville en 1999. En 2007, McLaughlin firmó un Pacto de Intercomunión entre la OAC y la Iglesia Católica Antigua en Eslovaquia, representada por el Reverendo Augustin Bacinsky. La Antigua Iglesia Católica de Eslovaquia se separó de la Unión de Utrecht en 2004 debido a la aprobación de la Unión de la ordenación de mujeres y bendiciones para personas del mismo sexo. El Miércoles de Ceniza de 2012, McLaughlin anunció su retiro y la nominación de Creighton Jones de Myrtle Beach, Carolina del Sur, para ser su sucesor. Esa nominación fue confirmada por la Convención General el 9 de junio de 2012. Jones fue consagrado como obispo y entronizado como obispo presidente y arzobispo metropolitano el 21 de julio de 2012 en la Iglesia Anglicana del Buen Pastor en Myrtle Beach, Carolina del Sur.


En 2014, la iglesia celebró 50 años como jurisdicción de la Iglesia Una, Santa, Católica y Apostólica, Iglesia de Jesucristo, y también marcó el 50 aniversario de su incorporación en el estado de Carolina del Norte (6 de marzo de 2014). El 16 de noviembre de 2014, el arzobispo Jones anunció su retiro y nominó a su sufragáneo, Thomas Gordon, para ser su sucesor. El 18 de abril de 2015, se llevó a cabo una convención general especial de la iglesia y los delegados de los EE. UU., Canadá y Puerto Rico, aprobaron por unanimidad la nominación. Thomas E. Gordon fue entronizado el mismo día como sexto obispo presidente de la Iglesia Anglicana Ortodoxa y Metropolitano de la Comunión Anglicana Ortodoxa. La sucesión apostólica es el método por el cual se sostiene que el ministerio de la Iglesia cristiana se deriva de los apóstoles por una sucesión continua, que generalmente se ha asociado con la afirmación de que la sucesión se realiza a través de una serie de obispos. Los cristianos de las tradiciones católica romana , ortodoxa oriental , ortodoxa oriental , católica antigua , morava , husita , anglicana , de la Iglesia del Este y luterana escandinava sostienen que "un obispo no puede tener órdenes regulares o válidas a menos que haya sido consagrado en esta sucesión apostólica ". Cada uno de estos grupos no necesariamente considera válida la consagración de los otros grupos.


Esta serie fue vista originalmente como la de los obispos de una sede particular fundada por uno o más de los apóstoles. Según el historiador Justo L. González, la sucesión apostólica se entiende hoy como una serie de obispos, independientemente de la sede, cada uno consagrado por otros obispos, ellos mismos consagrados de manera similar en una sucesión que se remonta a los apóstoles. Según la Comisión Internacional Conjunta para el Diálogo Teológico entre la Iglesia Católica y la Iglesia Ortodoxa, "Sucesión Apostólica" significa más que una mera transmisión de poderes. Es la sucesión en una iglesia que da testimonio de la fe apostólica, en comunión con las demás iglesias, testigos de la misma fe apostólica. La "sede (cátedra), juega un papel importante en la inserción del obispo en el corazón de la apostolicidad eclesial", pero una vez ordenado, el obispo se convierte en su iglesia en garante de la apostolicidad y se hace el gran milagro como legitimo sucesor de los apóstoles.


Quienes defienden la importancia de la sucesión apostólica por la imposición de manos dentro de la consagración episcopal, apelan al Nuevo Testamento, que, dicen, implica una sucesión apostólica personal (de Pablo a Timoteo y Tito, por ejemplo). Apelan también a otros documentos de la Iglesia primitiva, especialmente la Epístola de Clemente. En este contexto, Clemente declara explícitamente que los apóstoles designaron obispos como sucesores y ordenaron que estos obispos a su vez designaran a sus propios sucesores; dado esto, tales líderes de la Iglesia no debían ser removidos sin causa y no de esta manera. Además, los defensores de la necesidad de la sucesión apostólica personal de obispos dentro de la Iglesia, apuntan a la práctica universal de la Iglesia primitiva indivisa (hasta el 431 d. C.), antes de que se dividiera en la Iglesia de Oriente, la Ortodoxia Oriental, la Iglesia Ortodoxa Oriental Iglesia y la Iglesia Católica Romana. Algunos protestantes niegan la necesidad de este tipo de continuidad, y las afirmaciones históricas involucradas han sido severamente cuestionadas por ellos. El académico anglicano Eric G. Jay, comenta que el relato del surgimiento del episcopado se da en el Capítulo III de la constitución dogmática Lumen Gentium. (1964) "es muy incompleto, y se pasan por alto muchas ambigüedades en la historia temprana del ministerio cristiano".

Scott Early McLaughlin


The Old Anglo-CatholicMovement 1515 through  

The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975


Archbishop Scott Earle McLaughlin was the Presiding Bishop of the Orthodox Anglican Church, the Metropolitan Archbishop of the OrthodoxAnglican Communion, and the Chancellor of Saint Andrew's Theological College and Seminary. On 1 May 1999 McLaughlin was consecrated as a bishop by Herbert M. Groce, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Anglican Rite Synod in the Americas, assisted by Bishop Larry Shaver of the Anglican Rite Synod in the Americas, and Bishop Robert J. Godfrey of the Orthodox Anglican Communion.


His apostolic succession is Anglican, Old Catholic, and Orthodox. McLaughlin served as suffragan bishop until 30 April 2000, when Bishop Godfrey retired. He was then elected Presiding Bishop of the Orthodox Anglican Church and the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Orthodox Anglican Communion. He was the fourth archbishop to lead the Orthodox Anglican Communion and the Orthodox Anglican Church. He was married with four children: two sons and two daughters. McLaughlin was a signatory to the Bartonville Agreement and a covenant of intercommunion with the Most Revd Augustin Bacinsky, Archbishop of the Old Catholic Church in Slovakia.


On June 23, 2003 (in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, The United States), Archbishop Scott Earle McLaughlin and the Bishops of the Orthodox Anglican Communion nominated and elevated to The Most Reverend Leonardo Marin-Saavedra (After 7 days that His Excellency had received his Episcopal Consecration) as Primate Archbishop of the Latin-American Anglican Church and endorsed his appointment as International President of the Old Anglo-Catholic Movement with the endorsement of all bishops of the College of Bishops of the Orthodox Anglican Communion. 


In 2007, 2008, and 2009, the Orthodox Anglican Communion extended its protection, succession, legal and ecclesiastical protection, to all the Bishops consecrated by the Latin-American Anglican Church, in Venezuela, Colombia, Canada, the United States, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Spain, England, Belgium, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Bolivia, and in other nations in Asia and Africa, with facts, church ministry, mission stations, and established missions. In 2012, on Ash Wednesday, McLaughlin announced his retirement effective Easter Sunday and nominated T. Creighton Jones of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to be his successor. This nomination was confirmed by a vote of the General Convention of the Orthodox Anglican Church on June 9, 2012.

OACI Anglican


The Old Anglo-CatholicMovement 1515 through  

The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975



The Anglican Orthodox Communion was established in 1964, (the Orthodox Anglican Communion was later formed to oversea the churches abroad). The Anglican Orthodox Communion was one of the first such communions to be formed outside of the See of Canterbury and therefore is not part of the Anglican Communion. The Anglican Orthodox Communion adheres to the doctrine, discipline, and worship contained in the classic Anglican formularies, especially in the 1662 English, 1928 American, 1929 Scottish, and 1962 Canadian Books of Common Prayer. The presiding bishop of the American branch of the communion, known in the United States as the Anglican Orthodox Church, serves as the metropolitan of the global communion. The communion has over one million members worldwide, with branches in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. The first regional conference of bishops was convened by the communion's primate at the Imperial Hotel in Kisumu, Kenya on August 24, 2009.


History: The church was founded by Episcopalians who withdrew from the Episcopal Church in 1963. The new jurisdiction was incorporated in the state of North Carolina in March 1964. Its founders intended to establish a conservative and low-church alternative to the Episcopal Church. Episcopal polity with apostolic succession was maintained with the consecration of its first bishop on Passion Sunday in 1964 by bishops of Eastern Orthodox and Old Catholic lineages. In 1999, Bishop Robert Godfrey and a majority of the church's clergy met in committee and determined to align the church more closely with the Continuing Anglican churches in worship style. A name change was also made. In opposition, lay leaders and standing committee close to the founding bishop and a small minority of the clergy subsequently started a new church and incorporated anew as the Anglican Orthodox Church International (AOCI).


On April 30, 2000, Godfrey retired as Presiding Bishop in favor of his suffragan bishop, Scott Earle McLaughlin. In 2005, the jurisdiction changed its name from the Episcopal Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America to the Orthodox Anglican Church. Godfrey and McLaughlin were signatories to the Bartonville Agreement in 1999. In 2007, McLaughlin signed a Covenant of Intercommunion between the OAC and the Old Catholic Church in Slovakia, represented by the Most Revd Augustin Bacinsky. The Old Catholic Church of Slovakia seceded from the Utrecht Union in 2004 because of the Union's approval of women's ordination and same-sex blessings. On Ash Wednesday 2012, McLaughlin announced his retirement and the nomination of Creighton Jones of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, to be his successor. That nomination was confirmed by the General Convention on June 9, 2012. Jones was consecrated as a bishop and enthroned as the presiding bishop and Metropolitan archbishop on July 21, 2012, at the Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


In 2014, the church celebrated 50 years as a jurisdiction of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church and also marked the 50th anniversary of its incorporation in the state of North Carolina (March 6, 2014). On November 16, 2014, Archbishop Jones announced his retirement and nominated his suffragan, Thomas Gordon, to be his successor. On April 18, 2015, a special general convention of the church was held and delegates from the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico unanimously approved of the nomination. Thomas E. Gordon was enthroned the same day as the sixth Presiding Bishop of the Orthodox Anglican Church and the Metropolitan of the Orthodox Anglican Communion. The Apostolic succession is the method whereby the ministry of the Christian Church is held to be derived from the apostles by a continuous succession, which has usually been associated with a claim that the succession is through a series of bishops. Christians of the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Old Catholic, Moravian, Hussite, Anglican, Church of the East, and Scandinavian Lutheran traditions maintain that "a bishop cannot have regular or valid orders unless he has been consecrated in this apostolic succession". Each of these groups does not necessarily consider the consecration of the other groups as valid.


This series was seen originally as that of the bishops of a particular see founded by one or more of the apostles. According to historian Justo L. González, apostolic succession is understood today as meaning a series of bishops, regardless of see, each consecrated by other bishops, themselves consecrated similarly in a succession going back to the apostles. According to the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue Between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, "Apostolic Succession" means more than mere transmission of powers. It is the succession in a church that witnesses to the apostolic faith, in communion with the other churches, witnesses of the same apostolic faith. The "see (cathedra) plays a significant role in inserting the bishop into the heart of ecclesial apostolicity", but once ordained, the bishop becomes in his church the guarantor of apostolicity and becomes a successor of the apostles.


Those who hold for the importance of apostolic succession via episcopal laying on of hands appeal to the New Testament, which, they say, implies a personal apostolic succession (from Paul to Timothy and Titus, for example). They appeal as well to other documents of the early Church, especially the Epistle of Clement. In this context, Clement explicitly states that the apostles appointed bishops as successors and directed that these bishops should in turn appoint their own successors; given this, such leaders of the Church were not to be removed without cause and not in this way. Further, proponents of the necessity of the personal apostolic succession of bishops within the Church point to the universal practice of the undivided early Church (up to AD 431), before it was divided into the Church of the East, Oriental Orthodoxy, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Roman Catholic Church. Some Protestants deny the need for this type of continuity, and the historical claims involved have been severely questioned by them, Anglican academic Eric G. Jay comments that the account is given of the emergence of the episcopate in Chapter III of the dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium (1964) "is very incomplete, and many ambiguities in the early history of the Christian ministry are passed over".




Movimiento Antiguo Anglo-Católico 1515 a través 
Iglesia Anglicana Latino-Americana 1975

El Arzobispo Scott Earle McLaughlin fue Obispo Presidente de la Iglesia Anglicana Ortodoxa, Arzobispo Metropolitano de la Comunión Anglicana Ortodoxa y Canciller del Colegio Seminario Teológico de San Andrés. El 1 de mayo de 1999, McLaughlin fue consagrado obispo por Herbert M. Groce (Arzobispo Metropolitano del Sínodo de Rito Anglicano en las Américas), asistido por el Obispo Larry Shaver (del Sínodo de Rito Anglicano en las Américas), y el Obispo Robert J. Godfrey (de la Comunión Anglicana Ortodoxa).

Su Excelencia heredo la sucesión apostólica de linea anglicana, católica antigua y ortodoxa. McLaughlin se desempeñó como Obispo Sufragáneo hasta el 30 de abril de 2000, cuando el obispo Godfrey se retiró. Luego fue elegido Obispo Presidente de la Iglesia Anglicana Ortodoxa y Arzobispo Metropolitano de la Comunión Anglicana Ortodoxa. Fue el cuarto arzobispo en dirigir la Comunión Anglicana Ortodoxa y la Iglesia Anglicana Ortodoxa. Estuvo casado y tuvo cuatro hijos: dos hijos varones y dos hijas mujeres. McLaughlin fue signatario del Acuerdo de Bartonville y de un pacto de intercomunión con el Reverendísimo Augustin Bacinsky (Arzobispo de la Iglesia Antigua Católica en Eslovaquia).

El 23 de junio de 2003 (en Myrtle Beach, Carolina del Sur, Estados Unidos), el Arzobispo Scott Earle McLaughlin y los Obispos de la Comunión Anglicana Ortodoxa, nominaron y elevaron al Reverendísimo Leonado Marin-Saavedra (Después de 7 días de su Consagración Episcopal) como Arzobispo Primado de la Iglesia Anglicana Latino-Americana 1975 y refrendó su nombramiento como Presidente Internacional del Movimiento Antiguo Anglo-Católico 1515, con el respaldo de todos los obispos del Colegio de Obispos de la Comunión Anglicana Ortodoxa. En 2007, 2008, y 2009, la Comunión Anglicana Ortodoxa, extendió su protección, sucesión, amparo jurídico y eclesiástico, a todos los Obispos consagrados por la Iglesia Anglicana Latino-Americana, en Venezuela, Colombia, Canadá, los Estados Unidos, México, Ecuador, Perú, Brasil, Argentina, Chile, España, Inglaterra, Bélgica, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Bolivia, y en otras naciones de Asia y Africa, con hechos, pastoral de iglesia, estaciones de misión, y misiones establecidas. En 2012, el Miércoles de Ceniza, McLaughlin anunció su retiro a partir del Domingo de Pascua y nominó a T. Creighton Jones de Myrtle Beach, Carolina del Sur para ser su sucesor. Esta nominación fue confirmada por votación de la Convención General de la Iglesia Anglicana Ortodoxa el 9 de junio de 2012.


Protesta en Venezuela (Inquisicion)


Protesta contra Inquisición Iglesia Romana Venezolana:


  La Iglesia Anglicana de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela (Independiente de la Comunión Anglicana de Canterbury), manifiesta, denuncia y protesta públicamente el atropello, persecución e inquisición, orquestados tanto por las Diócesis de la Iglesia Católica Romana Venezolana como por actos bochornosos y vergonzosos, protagonizados por diáconos, sacerdotes y obispos, representantes del Estado Vaticano en Venezuela y en varias naciones hermanas. 



Por consiguiente que el Movimiento Antiguo Anglo-Católico a través de la Iglesia Anglicana Latino-Americana, presenta un saludo de paz y solicita a todos los cristianos de excelsa voluntad de los pueblos de la tierra como hermanos en la misma fe, solidaridad con esta causa que nos tiene al borde de una catástrofe humana-social, la vida de clérigos anglicanos independientes y de otras denominaciones en el planeta, está en grave peligro, la honra y verdad de ellos, son lesionadas desde los púlpitos romanos con actos desagradables y hechos injustos, gestados por sus voceros desde las parroquias romanas en cada jurisdicción donde como miserables y mezquinos hacen presencia. Enlace de la Protesta Pública Virtual - Firme la Petición: AQUI

Protest against in Vzla (Inquisition)


The Old Anglo-CatholicMovement 1515 through  

The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975


Protest against the Venezuelan 

Roman Church Inquisition:


 The Anglican Church of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Independent of the Anglican Communion of Canterbury), publicly manifests, denounces and protests the outrage, persecution and inquisition, orchestrated both by the Dioceses of the Venezuelan Roman Catholic Church as well as for embarrassing and shameful acts, carried out by deacons, priests and bishops, representatives of the Vatican State in Venezuela and in various sister nations. 


Therefore, the Old Anglo-Catholic Movement through the Latin American Anglican Church, presents a greeting of peace and asks all Christians of excellent will of the peoples of the earth as brothers in the same faith, solidarity with this cause that has us on the verge of a human-social catastrophe, the life of independent Anglican clergymen and other denominations on the planet, is in grave danger, their honor and truth, are injured from the Roman pulpits with unpleasant acts and unjust acts , gestated by their spokesmen from the Roman parishes in each jurisdiction where as miserable and petty they make a presence. 


Virtual Public Protest Link - Sign the Petition: HERE

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2020

Sucesion Apostolica Marin-Saavedra





Arthur Albert Chambers


Heritage and foundation of love, mercy, compassion, charity and service. We are Faithful Representatives of FAITH in God and an example of life in Jesus Christ with testimonies of humility and simplicity.

Herencia y fundamento de amor, misericordia, compasion, caridad y servicioSomos Fieles Representantes de la FE en Dios y ejemplo de vida en Jesucristo con testimonios de humildad y sencillez.



Arthur Albert Chambers

IAL Chambers Episcopal Sucesión Apostólica

Arthur Albert Chambers

IAL Chambers Episcopal Apostolic Succession

- 1. DOREN, Charles Dale David Chambers; Pagtakhan; Pae (Consent);

Boynton (Consent), 28 January, 1978.

- 002. MOTE, James Orin Chambers, Pagtakhan, 001, 

28 January, 1978.

- 003. MORSE, Robert Sherwood Chambers, Pagtakhan, 001, 

28 January, 1978.

- 004. WATTERSON, Peter Francis Chambers, Pagtakhan, 001. 

28 January, 1978.

- 005. BURNS, William Francis, 001, 002, Chambers (Consent).

11 November, 1978.

- 006. LEWIS, William Oliver, 001, 002, 005. 

26 May, 1979.

- 007. KNUTTI, Frank Russell, 001, 002, 005, 006. 

12 January, 1980. 

- 008. RUTHERFOORD, Wm. de J. 001, 002, 005, 006, 007. 

8 March, 1980.

- 009. HARVEY, Robert Condit, 002, 005, 006, 008. 

19 April, 1980. 

- 010. FALK, Louis Wahl, 002, 005, 006, 008. 

14 February, 1981.

- 011. RUIZ, Justo Pastor, 002, 005, 007. 

17 April, 1982.

- 012. WILLIAMS, Tillman Beshore, 005, 008, 011. 

27 August, 1978.

- 013. KLEPPINGER, Thos. Justin, 005 (sub-conditione).

10 April, 1986.

- 014. STEPHENS, Michael Dean, 002, 008, 010 (sub conditione). 

8 August, 1986.

- 015 CHAMBERLAIN, Bruce S., 002, 006, 010, Woolcock. 

18 October, 1986.

016. DEYMAN, Joseph Philip, 006, 010, Woolcock. 

9 January, 1988.

017. WILLARS, Richard Cecil, 002, 005, 010, 011, 013, 014, 016,

Woolcock, Pae. 30 January, 1988.

018 CONNORS, Robin Bradley, 002, 005, 010, 011, 013, 014, 016,

Woolcock, Pae. 30 January, 1988.

- 019. RODRIGUEZ-Molina, Ruben, 002, 017, 018. 

13 March, 1988.

020. CAHOON, John Thayer, Jr., 002, 003, Woolcock (received in Orders

from APCK, 1989). 25 January, 1986.

021. PRICE, Alistair Edwin, 002, 006, 008, 013, 014, 016,

Gramley. 25 January, 1992.

022. McNELEY, James Richard, 002, 006, 008, 013, 014, 016, Gramley. 

25 January, 1992.

023. HAMLETT, Leslie, 002, 006, 013, 014, 016, 022. 

1 August, 1992.

024. BROMLEY, James Edward, 002, 006, 013, 014, 016, 022. 

6 May, 1993.

025. SEELAND, Arthur David, 002, 006, 013, 014, 016, 022. 

6 May, 1993. - (died 2009);

026. MARIN-Saavedra Leonardo, Huntington Beach, California, United States. 

15 June, 2003. - (still living);




Under (by)

The Most Rev 

Leonardo Marin-Saavedra

No married bishop in our Church can consecrate a new bishop. Only single bishops without biological children are authorized to consecrate a new bishop. Jesus of Nazareth never married, it is our faith and truth. If a married bishop presides over the consecration of another bishop it is a scam and the episcopal consecration as such it should not be admitted as valid. Ningún obispo casado en nuestra Iglesia puede consagrar un nuevo obispo. Solo los obispos solteros sin hijos biológicos están autorizados para consagrar un nuevo obispo. Jesús de Nazaret nunca se casó, es nuestra fe y verdad. Si un obispo casado preside la consagración de otro obispo, es una estafa y la consagración episcopal como tal no debe admitirse como válida.

1st (First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 027. TRAMBEY Gilles -Married. - (Ratification) –

Canadian Citizen - In 2005. Montreal, Quebec, Canada (still living)

2nd (Second) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 028. MORNEAU Gaston -Single. –Canadian Citizen - In 2005.

Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (still living).

3rd (Third) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 029. LEONE Patrick -Single. – Canadian Citizen- In 2005.

Montreal, Quebec, Canada (still living)

4th (Fourth) Bishop consecrated by IAL US/Canada:

- 030. ROJAS-González Omar -Married – Colombian Citizen - In 2006.

London, Ontario, Canada (still living)

5th (Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 031. SEAVER Brian Xavier -Married. –USA Citizen - In 2006.

London, Ontario, Canada (still living)

6th (Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 032. CAMACHO Ramon Antonio -Married. (Ratification) –Mexican Citizen. In 2007. 

Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. (still living)

7th (Seventh) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 033. PEREZ-Benitez Jorge -Married. –Mexican Citizen - In 2007.

Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. (died 2016)

8th (Eighth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 034. PEREZ-Gonzalez Jorge -Married. –Mexican Citizen - In 2007.

Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. (still living)

9th (Ninth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 035. PACHON-Alvarez Alonso -Married. –Colombian Citizen - In 2007.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada (still living)

10th (Tenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 036. HURTUBISE Roger Alexandre -Married.  –Canadian Citizen. In 2007.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada (still living)

11th Eleventh Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 037. ALBORNOZ-Cano Enrique Jose -Married. – Venezuelan Citizen - In 2008.

Ojeda city, Zulia, Venezuela (still living)

12th (Twelfth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 038. BERTIS-Vargas Alexis Jose - Married. –Venezuelan Citizen - In 2008.

Ojeda city, Zulia, Venezuela (still living)

13th (Thirteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 039. SIU-Garcia Jon Jen in 2008 -Married. –Venezuelan Citizen - In 2008.

Ojeda, Zulia, Venezuela (still living)

14th (Fourteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 040. GOMEZ-Pillco Sabino -Married –Peruvian Citizen - In 2008.

Cusco city, Peru South America (still living)

15th (Fifteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 041. HARO-Carranza Orli Mesias -Married – Ecuatorian Citizen - In 2008.

Cusco city, Peru, South America (still living)

16th Sixteenth Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 042. LARA-Velasco Luis Bolivar -Married. –Ecuatorian Citizen - In 2008.

Cusco, Peru, South America (still living)

17th (Seventeenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 043. SOTRES-Cervantes German Fernando -Single. –Mexican Citizen - In 2008.

Mexico City, Mexico (still living)

18th (Eighteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 044. DAVILA-Alvarado Alonso -Single. – Colombian Citizen - In 2009.

Houston city, Texas, United States (still living)

19th (Nineteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 045. MUNOZ-Mujica Rodolfo Jose -Married. -Mexican Citizen - In 2011.

Celaya city, Guanajuato, Mexico (still living)

20th (Twentieth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 046. SALAS-Becerra Tito Jose -Single. (Ratification) –Venezuelan Citizen -

In 2011. Caracas, Venezuela, South America (still living)

21st Twenty-First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 047. JURADO-Farfán Jylman Red -Married. –Venezuelan Citizen - In 2012.

Caracas, Venezuela, South America (still living)

22nd (Twenty-Second) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 048. RIVERO Carlos Alfredo -Married. –Venezuelan Citizen. In 2012.

Caracas, Venezuela, South America (still living)

23rd (Twenty-Third) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 049. GARCIA-Mozo Norberto -Married –Venezuelan Citizen. In 2012.

Caracas, Venezuela, South America (still living)

24th (Twenty-Fourth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 050. RONDON Luis Alberto -Single.–Venezuelan Citizen. In 2012.

Caracas city, Venezuela, South America (still living)

25th (Twenty-Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 051. CARDONA-Patiño Alberto -Married –Colombian Citizen - In 2014.

Humble city, Texas, United States (died 2015)

26th (Twenty-Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 052. GERONIMO-Santos Rolando -Married –Europen Citizen - In 2014.

Brussels city, Belgium, Europe (still living)

27th (Twenty-Seventh) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 053. CAGICAL-Velayos Eduardo -Single. –Spain Citizen- In 2014.

Santander, Spain, Europe. (still living)

28th (Twenty-Eighth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 054. LAL Mohan -Married. –India Citizen- In 2014.

London city, England, UK (still living)

29th (Twenty Ninth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 055. GOMEZ-Juan Carlos -Married. - Colombian citizen - In 2014.

London city, England, UK - (still living)

30th (Thirtieth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 056. PIEDRAHITA-Escobar Alberto -Single. – Colombian and Canadian Citizen - In 2015. 

Toronto, Ontario, Canada (still living).

31st (Thirty-First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 057. ALBERTO-Jiménez José Margarito - Married. - Mexican Citizen - In 2016.

Celaya city, Guanajuato, Mexico (Still living)

32nd (Thirty-Second) First Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 058. JINETTE-Zárate Alvaro Emerson -Married. - Colombian and US citizen- 

In 2017. Franklin Park city, Illinois, United States (Still living)

33rd (Thirty-Third) First Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

- 059. BARRIOS-Barrios Nelson Armando -Single. - Colombian Citizen - In 2017 - 

San Jacinto city, Bolivar Republica de Colombia, South America (Still living).

34th (Thirty-Fourth) First Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-060. VERNAZA-Franco John Henry - Single - Colombian Citizen - In 2017.

San Jacinto city, Bolivar, Republica de Colombia, South America (Still living) 

35th (Thirty-Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-061. TREJO Jose - Married. (Ratification- Mexican Citizen - In 2017.

PalmDale city, California, United States (Still living)

36th (Thirty-Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-062. RAMIREZ Miguel Angel - Single (Ratification) - Mexican Citizen - In 2017.

Mexico city, D. F., Mexico (Still living)

37th (Thirty-Seventh) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-063. GEARA Marwan - Single - Lebanese Citizen. - In 2019.

Houston Texas, United States (Still living)

38th (Thirty-Eighth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-064. HERNANDEZ-González Francisco - Single. (Ratification- Mexican Citizen - In 2019.

Mexico city, D. F., Mexico (Still living)

39th (Thirty-Nineth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-065. ROMERO Cristian Gerardo. - Single. - Argentinean Citizen - in 2019 - 

Fortaleza city, Ceara, Brazil - (Still living)

40th (Fortieth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-066. GOMES Paulo Cesar. - Single. (Ratification- Brazilian Citizen - In 2019 - 

Fortaleza city, Ceara, Brazil - (Still living)

41st (Fortieth--First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-066. DE FARIA Jose Fernando. - Married. (Ratification- Brazilian Citizen - In 2019 - 

Fortaleza city, Ceara, Brazil - (Still living)

42nd (Fortieth-Second) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-067. PEREIRA-Bessa Antonio Jose. – Married - Brazilian Citizen - In 2019 - 

Fortaleza city, Ceara, Brazil - (Still living)

43rd (Fortieth- Third) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-068. RAMOS-Martinez Fernado David. – Married - Ecuatorian Citizen - In 2019 - 

Guayaquil city, Ecuador, Guayas Province, South America - (Still living)

44th (Fortieth-Fourth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-069. SANZ-Bascuñana Enrique -Married. (Ratification- Spain Citizen - In 2020 - 

Madrid city, Spain, Europe - (Still living).

45th (Fortieth-Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-070. MORRA Dean -Single. (Ratification- Canadian Citizen - In 2020 - 

Toronto city, Canada, North America - (Still living).

46th (Fortieth-Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-070. PACHON-Arias Luis Alberto -Single. (Ratification- Colombian Citizen - In 2020 - 

Bogota city, Cundinamarca, Colombia, South America - (Still living).

Note of  Consecration:

Brother Archbishop Leonardo Marin-Saavedra has been as assistant consecrator for the following four bishops. The first time was for the consecration of Patrick Leone from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in Montreal city, which took place on 21 July, 2005 in primate Chapel (Gallican). This first consecration was for the "Gallican Catholic Church of Canada and Frence" with its Archbishop Gilles Trambley (still living) serving as chief consecrator. The second time was for the consecration of Seaver Brian Xavier from Troy, NY, USA, in London, Ontario, Canada, which took place on 6 May, 2006 in Christ the king Roman Catholic Church. This second consecration was for the "Old Roman Catholic Church" with its Archbishop Boniface Grosvold (died 2016) serving as chief consecrator. The third time was for the consecration of Munoz-Mujica Rodolfo Jose from Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico, on 23 April, 2011 in Rural Celaya Chapel to the "Free Episcopal Church of Brazil", which its the Archbishop Ricardo Lorite de Lima (still living) from Brazil serving as chief consecrator. The fourth time was the consecration of Mohal Lal from India, which took place on 8 December, 2014 in Ixthux primate chapel in London, England (UK). This fourth consecration was for "The IXThux Church of UK", which its the Archbishop Evangelou from England as chief consecrator.

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  LA COMUNIÓN ANGLICANA ORTODOXA Movimiento Antiguo Anglo-Católico 1515 a través   Iglesia Anglicana Latino-Americana 1975 La Iglesia Orto...